Techy Thursdays - Emerger Thoughts

Another gem from 'The Dore Files' as another request for info does not go unanswered...

Garth J wrote:
"Hello Chris, from Tasmania,

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy your blogs and technical stuff, it works just as well here is Tassie as it does in NZ.

A question if I may, I am a big user of the Wee Emerger here in Tassie and saw your writings about it, noticed that the tie shown on your site looks like it has a poly yarn tail.

Is that what is actually shown and is that how you tie it or do you use other tails like crystal flash.

Cheers, thanks for your help, hope the season continues to be a good one for you."
Chris Dore Replied:
Hi Garth. I often tie a shuck of sorts, particularly when fishing flat water. For the most part, the hare fur body when wet, hangs back and makes for a decent enough shuck I guess when needed but sometimes I feel an added shuck can make the difference.
Z-lon is the material I generally use but a single strand of silver, black or even red krystal flash has its benefits: silver catches light in dull conditions and can attract attention when the hatch is heavy and your fly is one of hundreds in the drift. On brighter days, black may me more subtle yet still provide eye catching bling. Red is just a cool, fish catching colour. Sometimes on standed, non shucked patterns I tie a tag of red thread behind the bend.
Keep them buggy and messy most of all: an emerger never presents one standard, neat and tidy image, its a random fuzz with a lot of things going on at, in or below the surface... Wings unfolding, legs flailing, body climbing through the meniscus. The tidiest ties are not always the most productive.
Below are just some random effects tied quickly for this email.
Happy tying!

Chris Dore
Pro Fly Fishing Guide and Trout Junkie
Queenstown, NZ
Silver Flash for dull days
Red Flash
Natural Partridge Shuck
Hot Butt version