A Scott Centric Fly Rod Review By Chris Dore

The new Scott Centric is easily the finest nine foot five weight fly rod Scott has designed, and that says a lot considering they broke new ground in 2013 with the Radian, still one of the best all round fast action fly rods to this day. The Scott Centric is lighter in the hand, smoother, more responsive and recovers faster, but still with plenty of forgiveness considering how authoritative the rod tip is. It will load easily without much effort and straightens with copious power, and yet I have no qualms setting the hook on light 5x tippet with it. The 905/4 models suits the fly fishing waters I encounter here in the South Island and my varied style of fishing well. It has the ability to present both small dry dropper and larger, heavier nymph rigs on long leaders across a wide range of distances, as well as deliver Sex Dungeons and bunny streamers to the far bank on Airflo Streamer Max integrated shooting head fly lines. As per their mantra, ‘fast meets feel’ this is really what sets the Centric aside from other fast action rods on the market, and casting becomes more intuitive as you feel your fly line right through to your fly.
Like the Scott Radian, the Centric has an impressive range for such a quick blank. It will easily handle 25 - 30’ casts with 15’ plus leaders through to full fly line casts. There is no need to overline your Centric as it will happily handle presentation style fly lines such as the new Airflo SuperFlo Presentation Taper, as well as more aggressive profiles like the Airflo SuperFlo Power Taper where required, and while I recommend using a corresponding line weight, those who prefer to over line their rods will have no issues with the rod tip handling this.
For me personally, mends, wrist flips, changes of direction and straight up line speed are the draw cards of the Centric, and the near elimination of false casting due to the responsiveness, and power of the Centric blank are keeping my flies on the water longer, in the right places I want them. I simply have to put in far less effort, for much higher performance. I’ve never been a huge one for aesthetics on rods, more so preferring their performance and handling capabilities, however the Centric is certainly a well put together collaboration of the finest of both componentry and craftsmanship. It perfectly suits my ‘pick up and put it wherever you want it’ style of no BS fly casting and presentation flyfishing.
- Helps to stabilise the line throughout the cast
- Enhances casting accuracy
- Cuts through the wind
- Delivers larger, wind resistant flies and dry dropper rigs with ease
- Essential for longer, back country style leaders
- Helps facilitate longer, effortless casts
- Quicker delivery over distance
Unlike other fast actioned fly rods which require an elevated level of precision to cast efficiently, I’ve found so far that the average weekend angler can get a lot from the Centric. Its smooth loading rod tip and seamless transition through to the power zone reduces the degree of tip bounce from mis-timed strokes and improper power application. You’ll certainly know when you’ve fluffed it up, but will feel more easily what is happening and more effortlessly adapt to generate the smoothness, power and timing required to make any cast count.
Anglers seem to get the feel for loading the Centric more easily than other fast action fly rods I find, and soon see the benefits of increased line speed and loop control. I mean we all know how it feels when you play a ball off the sweet spot of a cricket bat right, or when you time that golf swing just right? You’ll get that feeling on the water more often, and learn to control and repeat it more easily with the enhanced feel and performance of the new Scott Centric.
For the more proficient caster you’ll reap the benefits of effortless line speed and the total control from your hand right down to the fly. Roll casting and change of direction casts are a breeze due to its enhanced tracking and stability and you’ll find you are working much less, with fewer false casts to generate distance and energy on each and every delivery.
You can now generate a lot of speed, power and energy with very little effort, allowing you to fish further, for longer, with less fatigue.
The Scott Centric four weight is great for those smaller rivers with fiesty rainbows and browns. The presentation expert.
The five weight Centric is an all round crisp, responsive, New Zealand style fly rod. The nine foot five weight is the new nine foot six weight in terms of being your single fly rod quiver killer, and the option for you if you could only choose one rod.
The six weight Scott Centric is for the backcountry specialist who wants that little extra power and line mass to deliver bigger, heavier or longer, without the extra weight associated with six weight rods. It’s also our pick of rods for the Taupo fishery, being more than powerful enough for all of the tasks at hand and without the weight and fatigue associated with the traditional eight or nine weights of past.
That said, pick the seven weight Centric if all you’re ever doing is all day nymphing on big water, or you’re looking for your next streamer rod.
- 8’5” = accuracy and poking about amongst the trees
- 9’ = your all round every day companion
- 9’5” = generate extra line speed in the back country or additional reach for on water line control and mends
- 10’ = the estuary and stillwater specialist
Stiffer meat sticks certainly have their place if you’re bombing streamers or heavy bombs on big lines over, and over again. However with our varied style of fly fishing here in NZ, where every fish and every cast can be wildly different I much prefer a jack of all trades, which does each job very well. The new Scott Centric certainly ticks those boxes, and then some.
Chris Dore is a battle tested fly fishing guide with over 15 years of professional guiding experience, battling the demanding, ever changing conditions that our New Zealand rivers throw at us.
In 2006 Chris became one of the first New Zealanders to successfully pass the internationally recognised Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructors examination and has since taught many thousands of anglers to up their skillset.
For more in person and on river fly fishing advice and upskilling why not book Chris for a day or three?