Manic Staff Season Highlights - Cameron Forsman, Manic Sales Manager

I set out at the beginning of this fishing season to do things a little bit differently. I wanted to really think outside the box, experiment with different things and as a result create more meaningful fishing experiences. Whether it’s trout in a small stream, snapper in a harbour or salmon down south – if there’s fish and water, I’m a happy man.

I’ve had a pretty sweet fishing season and I’ve ticket a few boxes. I caught barramundi in Queensland, pike in Colorado and carp in downtown Melbourne. All of this I’ll never forget, however the standout was the weeks I spent with my Dad in Montana.

My dad is a fan of beer, fly fishing and westerns (among other things), and so the first time I visited Montana, I knew it was a place I had to take him back to. We spent the whole time driving, fishing, eating burgers and trying local brews - a total blokes holiday where the itinerary was filled in as it happened.

I’m lucky to have my Dad as my best mate, and even luckier that he passed his love of fishing and the outdoors to me. Dragging him along on this bucket list trip one of the best things I’ve ever done, and it’s something I’ll never forget and take with me always.