Manic Monday - Tiki Tour

We were lucky enough to be able to get away over the weekend for a three day fly in trip to a beautiful section of the Rangitikei river to round off a pretty good season so far. Bringing together a dream team of my best mate Tim, Jakub from DTD Adventures and Sam from Moreporks it was set to be a pretty chilled out affair in the hills covering some ground with packs on once dropped in by Helisika and the Hughes 500. There will be a better run down in the next issue of Flyfishers Inc but here are a few pics to sum it up in the meantime. Everyone caught fish but Jakub proved himself to be the relentless non-stop frother pulling fish out of water left right and center up to 5.5lb. Good weather had fish eating off the top without any worries, what more can you ask for?