Manic Monday - Submarines In The Shallows

Back once again is Mr Andrew Harding, this time smashing it at Lake Otamangakau!

"Join Piero Bertocchi, Peter de Boer and myself for a day filled with some superbly conditioned fish, sight fished from the shallow margins of a small North Island lake. Fish were very active, tailing and chasing Damsel nymphs in only inches of water. Even stopping to engulf dry flies at times! Many fish were lost, and some very large browns landed, only one or two fish weighed under 6lbs. An incredible average size, these were 6lb+ fish in the body of a 3lb fish, the result of an abundant food supply among the prolific weedbeds and silty, muddy margins. Conditions were tough with little wind and glassy calm. A well earned beer in great company, finishing off a great day."