Friday Fly Day - It's only natural

So there's a definite mindset amongst winter anglers that the mighty glo bug is the be all and end all of flies. But what if they're not working?

Sure, at change of light, in many conditions in fact they are deadly, however as daylight grows or when clear conditions prevail your standard, summertime naturals box should not be too far from reach. Let's look at a few natural patterns that get things done for me over winter.

Death metal Pheasant Tail is a mainstay at anytime in my arsenal. Dark, heavy and totally non flash it's just simply a fly trout want.

Death Metal Pheasant Tail Nymph

Black, brown and olive possum nymphs offer a buggy lightweight alternative to the DMPT and make a perfect dropper nymph in rivers, or twitched over weedbeds as part of a team.

Possum Nymphs

Korbays czech nymphs are a fantastic green caddis imitation. Slim to slip through the water column with ease and a curved, heavy grubbed hook to stick when brawling amongst heavy water

and Rods Tubing BWO, a recent addition to the Manic stable offers a slim, medium sink rate olive stonefly / mayfly pattern that just stands out.

Korbays Czech Nymph

Keep them on hand. Fish them deep, fish them slow and repeatedly cover the best water time and time again: your fly often has to pass right across the Fish's nose in cooler winter conditions to illicit an eat. Don't move too fast.

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