Friday Fly Day - How would you like your eggs?
Gone are the days of just chucking on an orange sz12 yarn glo bug egg pattern and leaving it at that for winter run trout.
Being fly fishers it's only natural we go and complicate one of the most unnatural "flies" and introduce all sorts of materials and colours, so much so you really need to have a dedicated fly box purely to accomodate egg patterns. That's if you're dedicated...
And so we present, every single egg pattern under the (Manic Tackle Project) sun, available at your local fly shop.
Heave & Leave Champange
Heave & Leave Orange
Unreal Egg Peachy King
Unreal Egg Brite Orange
Roe Champange
Roe Peach
Roe Orange
Roe Red
Soft Cluster Tangerine
Soft Milking Egg Tangerine
Soft Milking Egg Tango
Soft Milking Egg Tango
Brewers Wiggle Egg
Brewers Tungsten Expoxy Egg Pink
Brewers Tungsten Epoxy Egg Orange
Flashtail Glo Bug Champange
Flashtail Glo Bug Orange