Friday Fly Day - Getting Squeaky
So rumours abound of mice population boosts on a number of our South Island beech lined rivers and lakes, and here's how you can take advantage of it.
Go fishing: You need to be out there to be in there
Fish normally: during the day it’s rare for trout to smash mice, so your standard dries and nymphs are what will fill the net
Fish at night: now we're talking... use heavy leaders, a smooth, 'roly poly' retrieve, and one of these epic mouse patterns from the Manic Fly Collection
Kellers Garbage Collector
Mad Mouse
Hartleys Mouse
However big, mousey browns won't always feed off the top so if you need to get down and dirty here are a couple of battle tested night-time fish movers
Galloups Sex Dungeon Brown
Dores Mr Glister
Kellers Nightmare Brown
Get in there!