Damsel Attack
This warm weather seems to have really brought on the insect hatches. And on our stillwaters there is no insect more prevalent at this time of the year than damsels.
Here are a few pics from Gary Lyttle of Hunting and Fishing in Taupo fishing a prolific damsel hatch on one of the central North Island lakes........ the fish don't look too shabby either.
If it's not obvious at this point what the fish will be feeding on, you should probably be thinking about another sport.
In heavy hatches like this trout will often lock onto damsels and ignore anything else.
Although damsel nymphs are prolific in times like this, don't forget about fishing an adult damsel imitation. Fished in the surface film a slim red dry fly can be leathal.
Takes on a damsel nymph can often be aggressive as fish hunt down these mobile nymphs as they work their way towards some structure to emerge from.
Take your time when playing big fish on small flies, especially around weed beds. Keep your rod up and an even smooth pressure through the rod.
With rewards like this cracking rainbow, it's totally worth taking your time to get it right. Visiting US angler Johnny Schuster looks more than a little pleased with his efforts.
Thanks again for Gary Lyttle of Hunting and Fishing in Taupo for the great images.