Best Fly Casting Tips
Round about 2020 we all had a lot more time for some reason so we got one of the best anglers in the country in front of a camera. The result is the excellent fly casting video series of Lockdown Lessons courtesy of Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting instructor and Southland guiding icon, Chris Dore. Thanks guys!

Now you may say that pantomime is for sissies..."oh no it isn't!' In any case, there's actually no better place to start leaning how to fly fish that with some car park fishing. Get past the fact that there will be at least one person who thinks they are hilarious by calling out 'ain't no fish in there, mate', and get to it. That guy is only funny to himself and you will be a better caster on the water for the practice you are putting in now.
It's a very simple casting drill and our man, Chris Dore, guides you through it. It's the best way to get stuck in and get some great results when you are learning to cast a fly rod.
What is tracking? If you don't know then you are gonna have a bad time. However, Chris Dore to the rescue once again. The guy knows his stuff and he can teach you how to get your casting working properly.
Tracking is the path the rod tip takes as it travels from your back cast to your forward cast. Being aware of your tracking is the next step to getting your casting mastered. Enough chit chat, watch the clip below.
Ok, this one is a touch up from absolute beginners. But, if you are wanting to learn how to cast, it's a very handy skill to have. You don't always have a huge amount of real estate for your back cast when you are on the river. Sadly, that football field or car park you learnt on rarely presents itself with fish filled river running through it. There's these things called trees or long grass that just love snaffling up a fly or 24 from a learner's rig. Get a load of the next video and learn a great way to cast when the room is a bit tighter.
Right folks, the next phase the adding some control in the form of the line and its got everything to do with that rod tip. This is a great video to watch if you keep getting 'wind knots' in your rig. Sorry, it's not the wind, it's you. Your key take away is...hey, watch the clip and let Chris Dore tell you what's what.
Want more? Yes you do. Head to our YouTube channel and watch all the Lock Down Lessons - there's have a range of lessons for the next part of your learning to fly fish adventure. Or want some even more helpful casting tips? Check out our article here on the Five Essentials of Fly Casting. There's a bunch of clips there too.