10,000 Salmon released into Lyell Creek, Kaikoura!

Here are some photos of a recent salmon release into Lyell Creek in Kaikoura. Hunting & Fishing New Zealand, Kaikoura have been a keen driving force for the Kaikoura Salmon Enhancement Society Inc for 3 years now. It was great to kick a goal yesterday and see the reward of alot of hard work fundraising money to buy salmon to release into the local streams and rivers. They involved 6 schools and 4 pre-schools in the salmon release as we see this is where the future is with the salmon fishery.

Next year they hope to have a tank in each of the schools and pre-schools and they will raise their own salmon and be able to release them the same time. They are also are forward planning for next years release, hoping to release 10,000 more salmon in Kaikoura and 10,000 into the Clarence. The cost of next year's release is around $35,000 which Hunting & Fishing New Zealand, Kaikoura hope to raise themselves.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Contact Anton at Hunting & Fishing New Zealand, Kaikoura
Phone: 03 319 6648
Email: kaikoura@huntfish.co.nz